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Violins, violas and cellos on loan for 2021-22 academic year

Violins, violas and cellos on loan for 2021-22 academic year via a loan program designed by the Department for Education of the Basque Government. BELE, Basque Violin Making School, will lend the instruments built in their workshops to music students from the conservatoires and music schools within the Basque Country.

For next 2021-22 academic year there will be 18 instruments, 6 violin, 6 viola and 6 celli availiable.

Applications to request an instrument must be sent between the 17th of May to the 4th of June to the following address: lutheria@conservatoriobilbao.com

Access to this program is regulated in the following document:

Ebazpena, 2021eko maiatzaren 7koa, ikastetxe eta plangintzaren zuzendariarena, euskal utheria eskolan (BELE) egindako hari instrumentuak EAE-ko kontserbatorioetako eta musikaeskoletako ikasleei maileguz ematea arautzen duena.

Resolución de 7 de mayo de 2021 del director de centros y planificación mediante la que se regula el préstamo de instrumentos de cuerda elaborados en la escuela vasca de luthería (BELE) a alumnado de conservatorios y escuelas de música de la CAPV.