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Intellectual outputs

Here you have the project and some of the data of the plates. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U9JdglLTVHZeq4ayUAuleikTNW7N9pCk?usp=sharing The backs and the tops BILBAO PROJECT We are still collecting more data. Sooner rather than later we will have some results and conclusions.

Free Categorization tests for the BILBAO PROJECT in progress

We are running the “Free Categorization Tests” for the BILBAO PROJECT, from last week until next Friday.

Last week we had some violin players who have taken part in this part of the experiment and have shared their opinion about the instruments.

Invitation to the BILBAO PROJECT_Psychoacoustic test


We get in touch because we want to invite you to the Psicoacoustic Test of the Bilbao Project. This test has two parts, the Free Categorization Test and the Listening Test. You can take part on one or both tests.

The Bilbao Project is an experiment developed in BELE, the Basque violin Making school in the J.C.Arriaga Bilbao Conservatory, along with the Cabridge and Sorbona Universities and some international violin makers. We have built in BELE six violins, identical all of them except only one controlled parameter which is different for each and the international violin makers have built their instruments following our instructions. More info here

Making tops and backs

A new and different making methodology has been used in this project: we have taken into account not only the mass, nor the frequency, but we have used in all and every element of the violin the specific Impedance criterion Z which combines the two parameters, mass and frequency: Z = M x F

The specific impedance we have used for the tops and backs is an adapted formula by Evan Davis:

Physical properties and measurements of the wood

Density ρ=M/V
We have used two methods to measure the density ρ=M/V

Volume displacement
For this method we need a big plastic barrel with an adapted tap in the upper part, and another bucket to recover the displaced water.

We fill the barrel and let the water overflow till the last drop comes out.

Weight the dry wood wedge.

Wood for the Bilbao Project

The least and the most dense wood commonly used in violin making are:

(kg/m3) Low Medium High

Spruce for the top: 320 – 380 – 470

Maple for the back: 500 – 600 – 700

The possibilities and combinations are huge.

Bilbao Project in The Strad

“Basque to the Future”. This article was published in the September 2017 issue of The Strad magazine.

Preliminary meeting

Pictures of the Preliminary Meeting at J.C. Arriaga Music Conservatory

Bilbao Project

This is an investigation project, financed by Erasmus+ where Cambridge University, Sorbona University and BELE arepart along with some violin makers.

We want to further understand the relation between the mechanical behavior of the violin with its tonal quality.