Bow Restoration Workshop


BELE.Basque School of Violin Making. CPM – Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga- MKP.

Plaza Ibarrekolanda 1, 48015 Bilbao. Spain.Date

Lecturer:  Sergio Chanquia.

Date:  from 17th to 19th of February 2023. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Duration: 21 hours

Timetable: Friday and Saturday 9:00-13:00/ 14:00-18:00 and Sunday 10:00-15:00.

Languaje: Spanish/French

Materials needed:

– Bow to rehair, bow for verification of curve, bow for restorations or all the works will be carried out in the same bow.

– Head plate in Galalithe, Violin, Viola, Cello, according to convenience

– Tension system: Screw and eyelet, Violin, Viola, cello according to convenience,

– Silver thread to make the winding (thicknesses 0.25, 0.30, 0.40 mm for weight and balance correction), leather dimensions bigger than 25 mm wide x 55 mm long and colored silk threads or simile.

– Mother of pearl for Parisian eye work and slide, as needed or both.

– To make the ring you will need a 1 mm silver plate 10mm wide x 17 mm long and another one 0.6 mm thick and 10mm wide x 22mm long. Borax if possible.

– For rehairing / 8 grams of hairs, different size knifes, 3mm chisel, beech wood for plugs, linen thread for tying hairs, powdered rosin, alcohol lamp, files, comb and a lighter.

– Shellac flakes to make medallion for restoration,

– For varnishing: shellac and vaseline oil, a bit.

– Hand chuck.

– Long wooden block with leather glued on it.

– A sheet of sandpaper 400, 600, 800, 1200, 2000, micromesh.

– Container for water

– A piece of bone/Galalithe plate to carry out the restoration of the tip.

– A Ruler.

– White and brown titebone glue.

– Cyanoacrylate.

– Soldering wire tostick the silver winding.

– Round pincers, flat pincers (there will be one anyway).

The school will be able to provide the liquids that the participants have problems transporting.


  1. Taking hairs off, cleaning the stick frog and button (polishing of the silver fittings)
  2. Checquing the stick curve, straightness and head aligment. ( Recambrer / Redressage / Dévoilage )
  3. Redress the surface of the stick after the frog where the thumb rests. ( Comblage à la gomme laca ).
  4. Changing the plate on the bow head with Galalithe / restoring the nose/ head plate on silver.
  5. Tuning and changing the tensioning device: screw and nut and parameters to have in account
  6. Winding on silver. Weight and equilibrium point. Antique winding: silver and silk
  7. Frog restoration: All about the work on motherofpearl
  8. Making and restoring the silver ring.
  9. Rehairing
  10. Revarnishing

Registration requirements:
Short CV with the contact info from the applicant (name, email address…)
Please send the above to this address:
Selection of applicants will be based on the above required information.

Number of places: 15

Course fee: 400€

For inquiries, our contact address is: