“A new tool for violin making”

“A new tool for violin making”.
Workshop about carving soundboard and backs following the method used by Peter Westerlund.
BELE.Basque School of Violin Making.
Bele. Conservatorio de Musica – Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga
Plaza Ibarrekolanda 1, 48015 Bilbao. Spain.
Date: 10th- 12th November, 2017. Friday through Sunday
Lecturer: Peter Westerlund
Timetable: Friday and Saturday 9:00-13:00/ 14:00-18:00 and Sunday 10:00-15:00.
Registration requirements:
Short CV with the contact info from the applicant (name, email address…)
Please send the above to this address: lutheria@conservatoriobilbao.com
Selection of applicants will be based on the above required information.
Course fee: 400 €
Languaje: English
Accommodation:Bilbao has a wide lodging offer. However, we have made an agreement with “Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno” hall of residence or students dorm (just in front of our school- see map-) to accommodate the participants in our workshops. All rooms are single or double and there will be a discount for groups of more than ten people.
Colegio Mayor Miguel de Unamuno
Single room HB 34 €
Double room HB 62 €
(Half Board: Room, breakfast + supper). Price per day. These prices are subject to changes. Please enquire.
Contact: lutheria@conservatoriobilbao.com
Peter Westerlund
Westerlunds Violinverkstad AB is a growing family business, where the main function is the making of violins, violas and celli. The shop is situated in beautiful Norberg in Bergslagen, and employs Peter Westerlund, Violinmaker and Irene Westerlund, Administrator.
Since the company’s beginning in 1985, Peter has made over 300 instruments (violins, violas and celli). A speciality has become the copying of older instruments.
During the period 1998-2003, Irene and Peter arranged weekend seminaries for the proffesional Swedish violin-/bowmakers and restorers.
It is necessary to then study different collections the world over. We have had the opportunity to study instruments in many different locations. The places where we so far have had the opportunity to visit are, the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian in Washington, DC., the Metropolitan Museum in New York, London, Vienna and other places
Irene Westerlund is taking care of all the administration in the company. She is the webmaster for the company homepage. During six years, starting 1998, she organised weekend classes for the Swedish violinmakers/repairers.