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Inscription and Access Tests for 2023-24

Inscription period goes from the 19th of June to the 4th of September 2023. From the 31st of July to the 31st of August admin offices will be closed for summer break.

Inscription will be filled in via inscription panel on the web page of the Education Department of the Basque Government (here).

This link will take you to the following page:  Convocatorias Conservatorios de Música_Filtro de Convocatorias. Here we shallchoose: centro, especialidad y curso:

Centro: CPM Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga MKP

Especialidad: Luthería

Curso: 1

The relevant documentation will be sent to the following address:


Identity document or passport and academic titles, and those concerning the merits.

Access Tests will be held the 6th of September 2019 at 9:00 in BELE, Basque Violin Making School.

Note that depending on the number of applicants the tests can be carried during more than a sigle day.

The evaluation criteria used in the entrance examination. PDF document here.

Administrative Resolution that calls and rules access tests to BELE for the 2023_24 academic year. PDFdocument here

 Access requirements and Access Test

To access the school one has to meet the following criteria:

1-Basic academic and musical requirements
2-Pass an Access test or entrance examination


Have finished High School or equivalent.
In case you have not finished your High School education you have to be over 19 years old and you have to pass a maturity test regulated by the Department of Education, (in which the candidates have to demonstrate sufficient maturity in relation to the objectives of the school, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to successfully pursue their respective fields). More details by clicking here.

You will need to be in possession of the Diploma of elementary Music or equivalent (Elementary Level) obtained in an official conservatory or an authorized school.
Candidates who do not have such musical certification, can have a test of musical knowledge on an equivalent level. This test will be in the Conservatory of Music J. C. Arriaga along with the entrance examination. Passing this test will fullfil the musical requirement to access to BELE but does not entitle to obtain an official certification in Elementary Level of Music.

Details on the Musical Test.


In order to make the entrance examination a fee shall be paid as specified in the Resolution from the 7th september 2011, which regulates public prices for education. This amount will be paid in the bank account number stated on the registration form.

The Access test consist of three parts, and will be marked from 0 to 100.
a) Artistic drawing of a given model.  35% of the mark.
b) Woodworking Exercise. 35% of the mark.
c) A written essay about a given text in 1 hour. 30% of the mark.

It will be neccessary to pass all of the above mentioned parts so the points from the merits ca be added to the final marks.