• Hasiera
  • Berriak
  • Montaje y ajuste de sonido para cellos. Robin Aitchison.

Montaje y ajuste de sonido para cellos. Robin Aitchison.


Lugar: BELE. Escuela Vasca de Luthería.

Conservatorio de Musica – Juan Crisostomo de Arriaga
Plaza Ibarrekolanda 1, 48015 Bilbao. Spain.

Docente: Robin Aitchison.  www.aitchisoncellos.com

Robin Aitchison studied Mechanical Engineering at Sheffield University and later decided to follow his childhood ambition to become a luthier. He trained at the Newark School of Violin Making, after which he worked at the Royal Academy of Music in London on their collection of fine Italian instruments.

Since 2000, Robin and his wife Sarah Mnatzaganian have run a specialist cello business in the cathedral city of Ely, UK and have published a wide range of articles about every aspect of the cello.  Since 2002, Robin has been an annual participant at the VSA Oberlin Violin making workshop. In 2023, Robin led the VSA Oberlin group workshop project, a close copy of the ’Farina’ Montagnana cello, to be featured in the November edition of the Strad Magazine.

Robin specialises in making close copies of individual cellos by Stradivari, Montagnana and Guadagnini to commission. As a counterpoint to cello making, he enjoys sound adjustment and regularly works with distinguished cellists in the UK.

In 2019, the Academy of Ancient Music created. The Cello Maker: Robin Aitchison which can be viewed on YouTube or at www.aitchisoncellos.com

Fechas: del 19 al 21 de abril. Viernes, sábado y domingo.

Duración: 21 horas

Horario: Viernes a sábado 9:00-13:00/ 14:00-18:00 y domingo 10:00-15:00.

Requisitos para la inscripción:
Breve C.V donde consten el nombre e teléfono o dirección electrónica del interesado/a.
Esto se enviarán a la siguiente dirección: lutheria@conservatoriobilbao.com
La elección de los participante se realizará en función a su currículum.

Número de participantes: 15

Precio del curso: 400€

Idioma: Inglés

Ajuste: Barra armónica, mástil, batidor, puente, alma, cordal, pica y cuerdas.
Ajuste de sonido. Charla en profundidad y demostración de técnicas de ajuste de sonido.

Contacto: lutheria@conservatoriobilbao.com